I did a few projects for Shark Week and this was one of them. We are talking easy…I mean super easy…okay to do last minute…shark trivia coasters. If you are as intrigued by sharks as I am, then you know there are a bunch of interesting facts to be found! They are super fun conversation starters at a party too!

You will need:
Contact paper: https://amzn.to/2gOXuhY
Glue: https://amzn.to/2tLY5C9
Pictures of sharks

2. Print out fun trivia on each shark. I used a big punch to create the circle, but you can just as easily cut them out.

3. Use a glue stick to add glue to the back of the trivia and stick it to the back of the corresponding shark.

4. Cut out two pieces contact paper, a little larger than the image you are going to cover.

5. Place the image onto the contact paper.

6. Sandwich it in with the second piece of contact paper.

7. Trim off the excess.