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If you are looking for a fun way to preserve some of you vacation memories, how about a memory ball?

You will need:
– Ice ball molds:
– Resin:
– Seashells:
– Sand:
– Fish hook:
– White glitter:
– Super Gloss Mod Podge:
– Dremel tool (optional):
– Super Gloss Mod Podge:
– Dremel tool (optional):
Here is the video tutorial:
1. Mix a 1/2 ounce of resin, according to the package directions. Mix in sand and chunky white glitter, until lumpy.
2. Add to the bottom of the mold. Pop bubbles and allow to sit around 1-2 hours.
3. Place a layer of small shells on the sand. They may sink a little.
4. Allow to cure for at least 12 hours.
5. If you plan on using starfish or sand dollars in this project, be sure to seal them first with Mod Podge and let them dry completely.
6. Prepare more resin. Dip shells and other items into the resin before putting them onto the sand in the mold. Pour remaining resin over them. Allow to cure.
7. Put on the lid of the mold.
8. I created a stand to help suspend the fish hook in the mold. Please see video how I made it.
9. Suspend the fish hook into the mold and try to keep it centered.
10. Mix more resin and pour it through the hole in the top of the mold, it should take approximately another two ounces. Do not overflow.
11. Allow to cure a minimum of 12 hours.
12. Unmold it.
13. Using a Dremel tool, I ground down the lip, where the top and bottom of the mold met. I also ground down the top.
14. Mix a small amount of resin. Using a sponge brush, I painted it on the roughed up areas
15. Allow to cure.
16. Add a pretty ribbon and you are done!!
That’s it! Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter! Be safe!
When do you use the super gloss mod podge?