With wedding season upon us, these Wedding Ring Coasters are perfect for a bridal shower, or wedding favors!
So Many Wedding Crafts!
Before we jump into the directions for the wedding ring coasters, let me share some other Wedding DIYs to inspire you!
- Wedding Confetti Coasters
- Wedding Box DIY
- Mr & Mrs Wedding Confetti Coasters
- Wedding Coasters
- Wedding Gift Kit DIY
- DIY Wedding Cake Coaster
- Bridal Shower Game
- France Meets U.S. Wedding Shower
- Red and Blue Wedding Coasters
Supplies You Will Need for the Wedding Ring Coasters
*This blog uses affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
- Circle cutter: https://amzn.to/2s4aK6h
- White Resin: https://amzn.to/2qAAHH4
- White pigment: https://amzn.to/2qAvmDu
- Mold: https://amzn.to/2rocS8o
- Mold I normally use: https://amzn.to/2raKGVX
- Transparency film: https://amzn.to/2qA7ujf
- Gem mold: https://amzn.to/2qArLkH
- Silver glitter: https://amzn.to/2sdpq0z
- Resin
- When deciding on which resin to use for your coasters, you need to keep in mind whether you want it just for cold cups or for hot as well.
- If only for cold drinks, you can be flexible and use whatever brand you like:
- If you want it to work for both hot and cold drinks, you need to look for a heat resistant resin, like these:
- FX Poxy ~ According to the manufacturer, this one is heat resistant to 500° F.
- Stone Coat
- When deciding on which resin to use for your coasters, you need to keep in mind whether you want it just for cold cups or for hot as well.
Here is the Wedding Ring Coaster Video Tutorial
**I used a smaller coaster mold than I typically use because the gem mold I had wasn’t big enough for the larger mold. Also, if you were to make a lot for a wedding or bridal shower, using smaller molds will save you a bunch on resin costs.
Directions for making the Wedding Ring Coasters
1. Using either a resin that cures white, or using a clear resin, with pigment to color it white, mix enough to create a thin layer at the bottom of the coaster molds.
2. Pour it into the mold and use a lighter to pop the bubbles. Allow it to cure at least 12 hours.
3. Print out gold bands on transparency film. I printed “Mr” and “Mrs” in the middle, but you don’t have to. You can do “his” and “hers”, or their names, date of the wedding, or anything you want!
4. Cut the transparency film, slightly smaller than the size of the coaster mold.
5. Mix enough resin to cover the white and slide your transparency film into the resin. Press it down and press out the bubbles from under the transparency film. Pop the bubbles and allow the coaster to cure for at least 12 hours.
6. While you have the clear resin, you can mix a small amount with fine silver glitter and pour it into the gem mold. Pop bubbles and allow to cure.
7. Once cured, you can remove them from the molds.
8. Using a rotary tool, I cut a “V” into the Mrs coaster and glued the gem into place to make it look like an engagement ring.
Once dry and cured, you have a fun set of wedding coasters!!!

Here are some fun Wedding Coaster Alternatives!
Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!
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