Glass Ornaments Made Easy: Decorating with Paint [Video]

Crafting unique glass ornaments can be a fun activity, even outside the holiday season! Today I’m diving into the world of decorating glass ornaments using vibrant paints from Plaid’s new Murano glass paint line. We are going to create some stunning ornaments together!

Glass ornaments are not just for holidays anymore!

Of course, they are a classic addition to any holiday decor and when you paint them yourself, it offers a fun canvas for creative expression. But let’s think beyond Christmas!

Choosing the Right Glass Ornaments

Before starting your decorating project, select clear glass ornaments with a smooth surface. These ornaments really show off the paint swirls and patterns.

Materials Needed

Gather the following materials:

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Glass Ornaments: Decorating with Paint Video Tutorial

If you want to see what I did, check out the video tutorial!

Cleaning and Preparing

Begin by cleaning the clear glass ornaments with rubbing alcohol. All you need to do is remove the cap on the ornament and pour a little rubbing alcohol in. Swirl it around, drain it, and let it dry. Once it’s dry, you’re ready to get started!

Exploring Murano Glass Paints

The Murano glass paints from Plaid come in a variety of colors, including opaque black, transparent vintage pink, transparent bright blue, transparent green, and many more, including metallics. These paints offer endless possibilities for creating designs.

Plaid Folkart Murano Glass paint line

This is my first time using them and I have no idea how they will blend or how they will dry.

This unknown is so exciting for me!

Creating Paint Swirls Inside Glass Ornaments

Start by choosing colors and creating mesmerizing paint swirls inside the ornaments. Put the tip of the paint bottle into the top of the ornament and squeeze dots of paint inside.

Squirting Plaid Murano paint into the glass ornaments

Then, you want to move the ornament around so the paint colors can start to move around. Once, you have the inside of the ornament covered, place it upside down on one of the cups and let the excess drain.

Drying and Displaying Your Ornaments

Allow the paint to dry thoroughly inside the ornaments. Depending on the paint’s drying time, this may take up to 48 hours.

Place the glass ornaments upside down to drain the excess Plaid Folkart Murano paint into a plastic cup

Once dry, your glass ornaments are ready to be displayed! Hang them on your tree, showcase them in a decorative bowl, or give them as thoughtful gifts!

If we are being honest, wouldn’t you love to have them out year-round? Can you envision a set for Valentine’s Day, Easter, or the 4th of July?

I can!

Share Your Creations!

Have you tried using Murano glass paints for decorating glass ornaments? I’d love to hear about your experiences and see your creations! Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Can you believe how they dried as compared to how they looked with the fresh paint? They are so pretty! The swirls are beautiful and the colors…divine!

Check out the video to see what the colors looked like BEFORE they dried!

finished glass ornaments decorated with paint

Decorating glass ornaments with paint swirls is a fun and creative way to add a personal touch to your decor. With Plaid’s Folkart Murano glass paints, the possibilities are endless! Anyone can create these stunning ornaments, kids and adults alike! And the beautiful thing is no two will be alike!

Remember, crafting is all about exploring new techniques and enjoying the process. This is the epitome of a no stress craft!

More Crafts!

If you’re looking for more craft inspiration, be sure to check out these projects:

Beautiful Swirly Ornaments

If you don’t have time to make the ornaments but love the look, you will love these!

Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


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