7 Tips for Growing Hostas In Your Garden

Hostas are one of the easiest plants to grow. They have few requirements and thrive in most conditions. Learn more about growing hostas here!

I love hostas!

I had them in the courtyard at my previous home and I have them at our lakehouse.

My parents planted a bunch of hostas over thirty years ago when they had a larger home on acreage. Those hostas grew and multiplied.

My sister split a bunch for her house and over the years, they grew and filled up her flower beds.

We split my sister’s and put them up at our lakehouse and they are still thriving. The hostas we have are offspring from plants over thirty years old…and they have been up at the lake for approximately 10 years now!

It’s the plant that keeps on giving!

They are hard to kill and if you look at how many times you can split them, over and over, they are unbelievably cost-effective!

We have put these hostas at the driveway, on the side of the house, off the basement, and by the patio down by the water.

Hostas lining driveway

They are amazing every year and I love that we can trace them back to Mom and Dad’s original plants!

If you are thinking about planting hostas or your gardening skills are challenged, I’m going to give you 7 tips on growing hostas by answering the most asked hosta questions!

7 Tips and Most Asked Hosta Questons

Do Hostas Like Sun or Shade?

Hostas are primarily shade-loving plants. They thrive under shady conditions.

There are varieties that are the sun-loving but most prefer shade. Filtered sun or morning sun is best but the harsh afternoon sun can be too much.

Hosta varieties

You will know if they get too much sun, the leaves will begin to brown on the edges.

Being shade loving makes them perfect for

  • Under trees
  • The side of the house that is always shady
Hostas around bottom of trees

I have grown hostas in multiple locations in Illinois, but down in southern Florida, the heat and the intense sun are not conducive to growing hostas.

So I guess I’ll just have to enjoy them up north!

Do Hostas Come Back Every Year?

Yes! If you are in the right zones. Hostas grow in zones 3 through 9. That means they grow up to the Canadian border and south to Texas and central Florida.

Ours come back year after year in Illinois and a little bit bigger and better each time.

Flamingos in a sea of hostas

I have also grown them in pots. They usually return the next year and I don’t have to replant my pot. However, if it was an unusually cold and long winter, sometimes they did not come back.

I can only assume the pot did not provide enough insulation to make it through the winter.

Do Hostas Need A Lot of Water?

No. Hostas are drought tolerant. If it really gets dry and they are showing signs of stress, by all means, water them.

When we originally planted the hostas, we made sure they were well watered until they were established. Now, we don’t water them at all.

Planting hosta in dirt

Unless there is an extreme drought, they don’t seem to need much care.

Do Hostas Spread?

Yes! They spread more each year. I have read that every 4-5 years, you should be splitting your hostas. I believe when your flower bed or planting area is full enough, it might be time to divide them.

When you split them, you take the part you split and replant it somewhere else or give it to a friend or neighbor. They will love it!

When Should They Be Split?

The time of year a hosta can be split is really anytime. We have split them in the throes of summer and they have come back beautifully the next year.

The drawbacks of splitting them when they are fully grown for the season is that they are harder to split and it might leave your hosta garden not looking so pretty for the remainder of the summer. But it works!

Hosta closeup

If you do it in the spring, the plant will be less stressed and as they are popping up through the ground, you can easily see where to split them.

Are Hostas Pest Resistant?

I have read that rabbits, chipmunks, and voles eat hostas. I have not had trouble with any of them eating my hostas in the past, even though I knew they were around.

However, I have had trouble with slugs and deer.


I only had problems with slugs if I was watering the other flowers in my garden in the evening. I suspect it left my garden damp and the plant leaves wet, so it was a welcoming environment for the slugs.

To cure it, I put out jar caps of beer, and the slugs drowned in them. I started watering early in the morning. No more slug problems.

Hostas on training wall by patio


The bigger problem is the deer. Some years, they start early and never let up. Some years, they don’t seem to bother with them at all. The easiest solution is Irish Spring soap shavings on the hostas.

The deer don’t like that!

Should Hostas Be Cut Back In the Fall?

Yes, they should be cut back in the fall. The reality is sometimes we do it and if we aren’t around, sometimes we don’t.

We have not had a problem yet.

Supposedly, slugs might winter under the leaves but if you don’t have a slug problem, you should be okay.

If for some reason you were not able to clean them up in the fall, you can always clean them up in the spring before they start to sprout.

So go grab some hostas! Have them fill in the hard-to-grow shady places.

Make the Most of Your Garden

Here are my favorite gardening tools and be sure to pick up some Miracle Grow to help your garden be its very best!

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Get out there and start gardening!

If you missed my favorite flower to plant in the garden, you should check it out! It will give you great joy all summer!

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Thanks for stopping by! Remember: Life’s too short not to shimmer, so grab your glue gun and your glitter!™ Stay safe!


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